IGCI logo with subtitle
Empowering Change Through Innovation and Collaboration in Climate Science and Advocacy

About IGCI

Climate Change Experts

IGCI boasts a diverse team of experts tackling climate change worldwide with over 150 research projects supported. The Institute is a member of the Independent Research Association of New Zealand.

Accreditation & Recognition

Members of IGCI are on important committees such as the ISO GHG and Climate Adaptation Panel of Experts in New Zealand and the IPCC CMIP-7 Data Access team.

Global Collaboration

IGCI fosters partnerships worldwide, with a network spanning continents and with members from around the world. We attract research funding and have created research tools to support emerging climate scientists and practitioners.

Mission Statement

Empowering Communities

Through workshops and training sessions worldwide and creation of teaching resources, IGCI equips academics, students and communities to tackle climate challenges. Supported by global aid organizations, our software supports course developments that empowers future climate advocates.

Advocating for Sustainable Development

IGCI promotes sustainable development by addressing global environmental challenges through research, advocacy, and collaboration.

Transparency & Accountability

Registered with New Zealand's Societies and Trusts Section, IGCI operates transparently, adhering to principles of accountability and integrity.